Friday, June 27, 2008

Find out how to have your car run on water.

Click here to view the Simple Water Car system

A small group of rogue scientists and engineers have just released what many are calling the answer to high oil prices and possibly the end of our dependence on foreign oil.

This new discovery allows anyone, regardless of his or her technical ability to create a simple conversion system for their vehicle and cut fuel costs in half by doubling gas mileage.

Once you have this technology on your vehicle, you can expect to SAVE AT LEAST $200 EVERY MONTH for many years in the future.

The reason this is so is because this new technology (aptly titled: “Simple Water Car”) uses water as fuel to combat rising fuel costs.

So, what is this new technology? Well, it’s a simple to build system that converts your vehicle to use the inexhaustible resource of WATER as a source of supplemental or even primary fuel.

The result: Your car becomes a water-burning hybrid giving you several amazing benefits.

=> Your vehicle becomes incredibly fuel efficient, SAVING YOU THOUSANDS on rising fuel costs.

=> Since the only byproduct resulting from the hydrogen and oxygen components of combustion is water vapor, emissions are cleaner, emitting fewer polluting particles.

=> You become eligible for IRS REFUNDS owed to you by law for using green technology.

Over the past several years, engineers have tested this new conversion process on thousands of cars without any issues or incidents.

And best of all, the conversion process is completely reversible so it will not void your auto manufacturers warranty. It simply acts as an add-on to significantly increase fuel-efficiency.

And, even though you, like me, recognize these results as newsworthy and for the common good of humanity as a whole, there are some out there who are literally out to get these rogue scientists and engineers.

Recently, investigators have been keeping an extra protective eye on these inventors after they have received death threats from “individuals” purportedly connected to the vast oil manufacturers and distributors.

Investigators insist that the reason they have received threats is largely because what they are doing will save consumers A TON OF MONEY on fuel costs – and as a result oil companies stand to lose lots of money (possibly BILLIONS of dollars!).

The best part of all is that this is not difficult. We’ve simplified the process. The steps are easy to follow and the materials are affordable.

I recognize a great thing when I see one – THIS SECRET is definitely the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

We all know that gas prices are not going down anytime soon. In fact, they are most likely going to continue to rise – so this is a secret that’s time is long overdue.

If you want to get this system for yourself and so that no one can ever take it away from you or steal it out of your hands, the all you need to do is grab your own PDF copy here:


How many times have you seen sudden “breakthroughs” of such great controversy come along and cause scientists and engineers to receive death threats for wishing to unveil a simple system to the general public? –
You’re right…very, very few.

So, don’t overlook this email as it may prove to be one of the most important and influential ones you’ve ever seen...

Click here to view the Simple Water Car system

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